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CYS Updates

What is new Sister?!

This page will highlight updates for the website, upcoming blog titles, photos, and more! Love you and remember you can always call your sister. ;-)

  • Happy July! I hope everyone has a safe, fun Fourth of July! Blog posts for July are 07/14 & 07/28. 

  • July's Interview With A Business Sister is Allison Cunningham! Check her and her business out!

  • July 17th CYS is hosting a Virtual Tea Party! There will be games, convo, and drinks! Tickets are $10 and each guest will receive a video recipe from Char! Fascinators Tea Party! July 17th, 2021 3 PM MDT. 1 HR EVENT Zoom link will be provided 24 hours before the event and video recipe will be provided 1 week before the event. If you have questions, please message me on the website or email us!

  • Interested in being Interviewed for our Interview With A Business Sister section? Each month I will interview a small businesswoman. I will keep the article live for two months. If you don't catch July's interview it will still be on the website until August's blog goes live. Support a local sister! Email us at:

  • We're on IG! Follow us at call_yoursister.

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