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  • Writer's picturecharnicole01

Where Did Nice Go?

I firmly believe everyone has a chance to be a mean girl/jerk. I choose the other alternative. the world is filled with so much hate. Anger. Grief. Disappointments. Why in a world like that would nice not win? I was friends with this woman a few years ago...and in hindsight, I thought she was truly my friend but ended up being a frenemy.

I found out she talked about me behind my back and never even thought of me as a friend. Out in the open, you wouldn't know that. She would frequently buy me lunch ask, me to happy hours, she even referred me to her Mary Kay rep.

I found out after months of being friends with her that she was a deep-seated undercover frenemy. One night, while we were out at happy hour at a bar a woman walked up to our table (the bar was very crowded). She asked if she could sit with us while she waited for her date. This woman was not very attractive.

She seemed very introverted like it was hard for her to speak to strangers in a bar. Frenemy and I motioned for her to join us, we made small talk for a few minutes. Then her date found her and they left. I was skeptical of Frenemies true friendship towards me at this point and was sure she would start badmouthing the woman who was no longer in earshot. She didn't.

I was surprised, to say the least, but also semi-proud of Frenemy. I want this type of sisterhood. Flaws, bruises, skinny, fat, tatts, wrinkles. Treating each other nicely. I have been told these statements most of my life:

Omg you're so nice, how do you do that?

What does being nice get you?

Char your too nice, that's why (insert blank).

I'd rather be nice. Let's bring back nice. Wherever it is, we need to find it. Stop glamorizing the jerks and the mean girls. Let's make nice comments. If you see someone struggling, offer to help. If you see someone hurt, lend a hand. If someone is upset and you can tell they need a friend...listen to them. In a world full of plastic insincerity be the one to claim I am sincerely nice.

Good day, my sisters! Its Via with my POV!

We can agree that the last year and a half has been extremely trying, vexing, frustrating, and tiring. We can agree that we have been struggling just to keep our sanity, take care of our families, ourselves, and others. It is scary, but with all that being said.... what has happened to being NICE?!

I cannot be the only one that has noticed a major decrease in people being nice! There are people fighting airline attendants, school teachers, and retail workers. Sixteen months ago, these same people were Essential Workers now it appears as though they are open targets. It no longer seems to matter what color, religion, political, or financial status.

We get mad if we have to wait in line.

We get mad if our food, mail, text, isn’t on time - our time. I’m not talking about the anger where you mutter under your breath and leave in a huff. I am talking about the anger where someone is left injured, dying or dead….this is senseless! I am talking about MAD that leaves a mother without a child, and a husband without a wife.

The nice is, protecting the innocent, caring for the poor, loving your neighbor as you love yourself. The nice that lets the person in line go in front of you with your full basket. The nice that doesn’t cuss out the cashier that asked you to “wear a mask”. The nice that shares your aluminum foil with a neighbor.

The surprising benefit of these kinds of nice, is they cost nothing.

Our simple acts of niceness can transform someone’s day. Being nice might keep that busboy from getting fired. Our nice attitude and response might help that elderly person see the beauty in the world again. Who knows what the simple act of nice can do in our homes, our neighborhoods, our cities, our nation?

My challenge.....dear Sisters, is for 24 hours, beginning August 1, 2021; let us try as much as it depends on us to be NICE! Check out the quick video Char did on uplifting words. Love you all and remember, you can always call your sister.

Special thanks to FB members and fellow sisters Courtney N and Karen J for sharing these words with us!

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1 Comment

Aug 13, 2021

Your doing such an amazing job.

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