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  • Writer's picturecharnicole01

CYS Brunch Poetry Slam!

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

April is National Poetry Month! YAY! Since I am a huge literary fan of words in general, we are launching Call Your Sisters first event. This will be hosted virtually on Zoom at the end of April.

April 24, 2021 from 2PM-4PM

If you are a poet and want to be a part of this event the link for the form is below. The poem cannot go over 3 minutes and we ask for you to think of the audience and not choose a subject matter too graphic. This is an all ages event and you never know who is watching on the other end.

You can submit your poem ahead of time, via video or read it live during the poetry slam. If you just want to attend, please fill out the form as well. We need a count of who is attending. Tell your friends, sisters and confidante's and remember you can always call your sister XOXO.

Invitation to Apply>>>>

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