If your like me sis, you follow a ton of groups on social media. I am a huge Sarah Michelle Gellar fan and this began when Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired in the 90s. There is something about the "chosen" one being a female and kicking vampire butt that resonated with me. I am in a BTVS fan group, an entrepreneur group and a few groups on motivating women. A new group one of my fellow sister's has created and I am loving the energy. We haven't been friends long, but sometimes you just connect with an other like-minded person and its INSTA BOND. Te'shia M. has a FB group Euphoria of Melanin syncs to CYS goals. Female empowerment, building sisters up, mentoring and offering guidance on mental health. Self care IS the best care! Check out her group on Facebook!
Te'shia >>>>>>