Hey Sister's! Its International Women's Day! Yess! I will posting on our FB page CURSISblog all month with inspiring meme's, videos, and quotes celebrating Women's History Month. I am calling it Herstory Month because there is enough male dominance. This is OUR month! Big Sis Ann is taking the reins on this post....enjoy sister's!
Most people over the age of 50, probably had a messed-up childhood. So from this jumping-off point, I will honor the women in my life, past and present, that have honored me.
My mom was a 36-year-old single mom with 2 children in the 60’s. Oh did I mention, she was a black woman. It took years for me to grasp the significance of this. She had an 8th-grade education, so her employment choices were limited. She was a maid, sometimes working under the table. She had 2 children, so her prospects for marriage were zero. What I honor about her is her ability to face the obstacles she faced every day. She taught me that, “anything you want, you have to work for.”
My best friend of 30 years. This woman has buried children, spouses, parents, and siblings. She has never bowed under the load. I have watched her triumph over every adversity. Things that would have taken me under, she has endured. I honor her ability to Love, unconditionally, even when it is not returned.
The next women have both been my Pastor at different times in my life. The first opened her heart and church home to me when I was searching for a spiritual anchor. She encouraged me to step into my teaching ministry and inspired love in me for community outreach. She supported me with faith, love, and lots of prayers. The other Pastor gave me a spiritual haven. She helped develop the spiritual gifts in me. She prayed with me and for me. She would meet me at the church, at the ice cream place, in a parking lot to comfort, support, listen and pray with me. I honor these women for serving God and His people with faithfulness.
Now this woman! I met her 36 years ago when the doctor laid her on my chest. She looked at me with the biggest brownest eyes I had ever seen and I fell stupidly in love. She has stumbled, picked herself up. She has been broken and worked on her healing. She has been betrayed but offers her loyalty without strings attached. I have watched her grow into the most amazing woman. I thank God for allowing our paths to cross. I honor her for her amazing ability to bring sunshine and laughter to the worst day.
My life is infinitely MORE because of these and many other women. When we stop to honor women this month think about where we would be, how far along this journey we are, because of the women in our lives. They may have tried too hard or not hard enough; they may have been harsh in their approach when we desired tenderness; they may have given us truths that were too hard to hear; we may have left their presence in tears. All that may be true, but the TRUTH of today, for Women’s Herstory Month is, we would not be the brave, faithful, loyal, determined women we are without the women in our lives, past and present.
I CHALLENGE myself and my sisters to make an effort this month, to say "thank you" in a small way to all women. I am 60 years old, I will be taking 60 seconds of silence on March 8, 2021 to Honor Women. Sign up and join me! Match your silence with your age. This way we can all do something. No specific time. Like our page when you have done it. Remember, you can always call your sister!
