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Writer's picturecharnicole01

Char's Fave Parts of Fall

I'm a shoe fanatic. I've mentioned this before but to put this into perspective, I stopped counting how many pairs of shoes I own after 30.

I specifically love boots. Tall, short, wedges. All of them. My birthday is in December and the start of Fall makes me giddy because I know it's getting closer.

Watching the leaves turn golden is simply beautiful. The season has a sense of magic, of togetherness that is missing during the earlier months. The morning air is filled with a crispness and crunch from leaves on the pavement. One of my friends T, loves Fall just as much as I do. We met through work...aren't work friends the best?

My favorite memories are going shopping with her after work while sipping a Mcdonald's latte. T showed me how a comfy scarf will complement a Fall outfit, we would browse Urban Outfitters and Aldo for hours. On one trip I bought a pair of knee-high suede boots and a gold/burgundy purse which I still have. Latte's, a great friend, and suede boots. What more do you need? The chill of the weather gave us an excuse for a warm latte and a stroll through the mall. My faves are below. What are some of yours? How do you feel about Fall?

  • Beanies

  • Hot cocoa

  • Apple cider

  • Tall boots

  • Football games

  • Hoodies

  • Baking w my mom ❤️

  • Thermal leggings

  • Comfy scarves

  • The sense of togetherness

  • Fall festivals

As you see my faves have no mention of pumpkin or pumpkin-related activities. I loathe pumpkin. The smell, and taste make me nauseous. I love coffee and the thought of pumpkin-spiced anything near my cup angers me. Why would I want pumpkin in my coffee?

Or my Mac n cheese? I am not making this up. There is boxed pumpkin-flavored macaroni and cheese in grocery stores. To purchase. 🤢 Have we given up? I don't see how that would be appealing. Pasta and cheese don't need pumpkin (of all ingredients) to make it better.

I grew up in Oklahoma, and yes I have been to a pumpkin patch. More than once. I don't see a point in it... usually, there is extra entertainment such as a live band or food and drinks available. "Let's spend the night walking around staring at pumpkins" is not entertaining to me. Let's go to a restaurant. We can listen to music on the way. I swear it will be more fun. Or let's go to the zoo. Giraffes and elephants are way cuter than a field of pumpkins.

The only food enemy I have. ^

If anything apples should be the #1 obsession for Fall. We can get rid of all things pumpkin and add more items with apples….and maybe a dash of cinnamon. It IS Fall...we all could use a dash of something special.

Leave me a Like/Comment! Don't like Fall? Tell me your favorite season!

Remember...... you can always call your sister. 🥰

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